Founding and early years of the National Hospital, Queen Square

The first exhibition in the new Queen Square Library, 2010. Featuring original letters and documents, shell ornaments made to raise money, accounts of the earliest patients and examples of some harsh rules!

Johanna and Louisa Chandler

Johanna and Louisa Chandler

Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Johanna and Louisa Chandler - QSA/897


Publicity from the 1937 Appeal

Publicity from the 1937 Appeal

1937 Items made by the Chandler Sisters to raise funds to establish the Hospital. The orginals can be seen in the musuem. Publicity from the 1937 Appeal - QSA/888


Bead and shell work

Bead and shell work

1855 Items made by the Chandler Sisters to raise funds to establish the Hospital. The orginals can be seen in the musuem. Bead and shell work - QSA/887


Portrait of David Wire, Lord Mayor of London

Portrait of David Wire, Lord Mayor of London

1859 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Portrait of David Wire, Lord Mayor of London - QSA/894


David Wire letter - Mansion House meeting

David Wire letter - Mansion House meeting

1859 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive David Wire letter - Mansion House meeting - QSA/899


Convalescent home at East Finchley

Convalescent home at East Finchley

Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Convalescent home at East Finchley - QSA/900


Bird's eye view of the buildings of the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (Albany Memorial), Queen Square, Bloomsbury

Bird's eye view of the buildings of the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (Albany Memorial), Queen Square, Bloomsbury

1919 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Bird's eye view of the buildings of the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (Albany Memorial), Queen Square, Bloomsb...


Plans and elevation for National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic. 2nd building. July 1866

Plans and elevation for National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic. 2nd building. July 1866

Jul 1866 The only known illustration of the interior of the Hospital buidings in 1866. Drawn by the architect, MP Manning. Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Plans and ele...


Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard

Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard

Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard - QSA/902


Notice to out-patients

Notice to out-patients

14 Feb 1899 Digitised by the Queen Square Archive Notice to out-patients - QSA/889
