A film of Queen Square staff in 1933

Record information

Title: A film of Queen Square staff in 1933

Reference: QSA/19609

Date: 1 Jan 1933

Description: Six minute silent film footage focusing on individual staff members working at the National Hospital in 1933, many of whom are now household names in the history of neurology. There are also brief glimpses of the external appearances and façade of Queen Square in 1933 where the buildings themselves appear largely unchanged.

Creator: Graeme Robertson, with captions by Nadeem Toodayan

Storage Reference: Online only

Acquisition: A gift to the archives from Nadeem Toodayan; original unedited film donated by Denis Graeme Robertson in 2021.


Keywords: Adie William John, Albany Wing, Albany Wing including Hospital Frontage, Brinton Denis Hubert, Buildings and Places, Cairns Hugh WB, Carmichael Edward Arnold, Collier James Stansfield, Consultants, Critchley Macdonald, Cumings John N, Denny-Brown Derek Ernest, Elkington John St Clair, Grainger Stewart Thomas, Greenfield Joseph Godwin, Hinds Howell Conrad Meredith, Hinds-Howell Conrad Meredith, Holmes Sir Gordon Morgan, Individuals, Kinnier Wilson Samuel Alexander, Meadows Swithin Pinder, Mennell Z, Pennybacker Joseph Burford, People, Queen Square, Riddoch George, Sources, Symonds Sir Charles Putnam, Taylor James, Turner William Aldren, Video and Film, Walshe Sir Francis Martin Rouse

Compilations: Film footage

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